Alirezabeigi, Samira; Decuypere, Mathias & Hartong, Sigrid (2025) Reconfiguring teachers’ work through automated evaluation. In: Schulz, Manuel; Fay, Alexander; Niggemann, Oliver; Matiaske, Wenzel; Schulz, Detlef (eds.):äge der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg. openHSU: 291-296.
Brandau, Nina & Hartong, Sigrid (2024) Visualising the school: a critical study on co-designing a Moodle-based learning management system. In: Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. Online Vorveröffentlichung.
Tierens, Toon; Decuypere, Mathias & Hartong, Sigrid (2024) Navigating open-source platforms in schools: an inquiry into changing teacher professionality. In: Learning, Media and Technology. Online First.
Tierens, Toon; Decuypere, Mathias; Alirezabeigi, Samira & Hartong, Sigrid (2024) Governing through time(s): temporal modes of governance in digital education policy. In: British Journal of Sociology of Education.
Hartong, Sigrid (2024) Schule in der Digitalität kritisch-reflektiert gestalten. Einblicke in das Projekt SMASCH (Smarte Schulen). In: Lankau, Ralf (Hrsg.): Die pädagogische Wende. Weinheim, Beltz Verlag: 235-246.
Hartong, Sigrid & Renz, André (2024) Von Mystifizierung zu reflektierter Gestaltung von EdTech. Aktuelle Forschungsperspektiven und Praxistipps. Bielefeld, transcript Verlag.Go to Open Access Publication.
Hartong, Sigrid & Renz, André: Drei Fragen an die Praxis – Intermezzo. Ein Interview mit Patricia Ullrich, pp. 41-42.
Brandau, Nina: Was steckt in Lernmanagementsystemen und welche Implikationen ergeben sich hieraus für die digital-mündige Schulentwicklung? Eine Studie zu, pp. 63-86.
Hartong, Sigrid & Renz, André: Drei Fragen an die Praxis – Intermezzo 2. Ein Interview mit Imke Erdbrink, pp. 129-130.
Czarnojan, Iza; Hartong, Sigrid & André Renz: „Die Verunsicherung im eigenen Expertentum ist stark“ – ein Gespräch zu Pädagogik und EdTech im Projekt SMASCH, pp. 251-260.
Hartong, Sigrid; Loft-Akhoondi, Anja; Brandau, Nina; Junne, Barbara; Czarnojan, Izabela & Scheytt, Tobias (2023) Auf dem Weg zur Digitalität in Schule. Zwischenbericht über Interventionen und Explorationen im Rahmen des Projekts „SMASCH – Smarte Schulen“. Working Papers des Forschungsclusters OPAL der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität. DOI: 10.24405/14955 .
Cafantaris, Karola; Brandau, Nina & Hartong, Sigrid (2023) Suchbewegungen und Ansätze nachhaltiger digitaler Schulentwicklung am Beispiel des Projekts ‚Smarte Schulen‘ (SMASCH). In: MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung 52 (gerecht – digital – nachhaltig):129-48.
Brandau, Nina & Alirezabeigi, Samira (2023) Critical and participatory design in-between the tensions of daily schooling: working towards sustainable and reflective digital school development. In: Learning, Media and Technology 48 (2): 337-349.
Brandau, Nina (2024) Visualising the school?! A critical study on co-designing data-based interfaces of learning management systems. Presentation at the Datapower Conference, Graz, 04.-06.09.2024.
Brandau, Nina (2024) Critical and Participatory Design in-between the tensions of daily schooling. Working towards inclusive and reflective digital school development from an STS perspective. Presentation at the annual congress of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Amsterdam, 16.-19.07.2024.
Hartong, Sigrid; Decuypere, Mathias (2024): Hybrid Ethnography. Keynote at the workshop „Doing ethnography in/of digital environments: Practices, anxieties and resources. A workshop organized by the research projects ‘Datavisions: Teaching in the Age of Digital Data Visualizations’ and ‘SMASCH-Smart Schools’“, Danish School of Education, Copenhagen, 28.05.2024.
Hartong, Sigrid; Decuypere, Mathias (2024) The role of students in digitality-oriented school development: the SMASCH project. Presentation at the conference „Die Kunst der Partizipation in der Schule“, Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, 11.-12.04.2024.
Hartong, Sigrid; Brandau, Nina; Loft-Akhoondi, Anja; Decuypere, Mathias (2024) Schulentwicklung in der Digitalität – Einblicke in das Projekt SMASCH (Smarte Schulen). Panel ‚„Ich krieg die Krise“ – Professionalisierung in der Digitalität zwischen Routine und Revolution‘, Annual Conference of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Halle, 10.-13.03.2024.
Tierens, Toon (2023) Becoming platform workers: Teachers’ dwelling in socio-technical environments. ‘Platform and Pedagogies’ Symposium, University of Utrecht, 14 – 15.12.2023.
Decuypere, Mathias; Hartong, Sigrid; Lill, Aliena & Brandau, Nina (2023) How to bring pedagogical concepts into UI design?, Workshop at EdTech Next Summit, Bielefeld, 13.09.2023.
Tierens, Toon; Alirezabeigi, Samira; Hartong, Sigrid & Decuypere, Mathias (2023) Platformized teachers’ professionalities: On forms of dwelling. Presentation at the European Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Conference 2023 ECER, Glasgow, 22.-25.08.23.
Decuypere, Mathias & Hartong, Sigrid (2023) Bringing critical edtech research into schools: the case of SMASCH. Presentation at the European Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Conference 2023 ECER, Glasgow, 22-25.08.23.
Brandau, Nina & Hartong, Sigrid (2023) Visualising the school?! A critical study on co-designing a Moodle-based learning management system. Presentation at the European Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Conference 2023 ECER, Glasgow, 22-25.08.23.
Tierens, Toon; Hartong, Sigrid; Loft-Akhoondi, Anja; & Decuypere, Mathias (2023) What is the ‘co’ in (critical) co-design? A self-reflexive study on the digital empowerment of low SES schools. Presentation at the European Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Conference 2023 ECER, Glasgow, 22-25.08.23.
Brandau, Nina (2023) How can a more reflected and democratic engagement with educational technology be achieved by reflexive, participatory and context-based design processes? Posterpräsentation im Rahmen der Summer School der Educational Research Association (EERA), Porto, 26.-30.06.23.
Decuypere, Mathias & Tierens, Toon (2023) SMASCH: Pedagogically meaningful and sustainable digitization. Presentation at the Flemish Federation for Steiner Schools, Antwerpen, online, 09.05.23.
Hartong, Sigrid & Decuypere, Mathias (2023) Presentation and Workshop “Schulische Menschen-/Medienbildung im Zeitalter von Digitalität? Einblicke in das Forschungsprojekt SMASCH (Smarte Schulen)”. Conference “Menschenbildung: Medienbildung – Impulse aus und für Forschung und Praxis”, Alfter/Bonn, 05.-06.05.23.
Junne, Barbara & Junne, Jaromir (2023) Different notions of the best: Organising liminal spaces and expertise in three German schools. Contribution for the 47th Workshop of Wissenschaftliche Kommission ORG (WK Org), Linz, 29.-31.03.23.
Hartong, Sigrid & Decuypere, Mathias (2023) Organisation of the panel “Digital transformation of schooling – what lies beyond the buzzwords? Insights into the German-Belgian SMASCH (Smart School) Project”. Annual SIIVE conference 2023, Berlin, 09.03.23.
Hartong, Sigrid; Decuypere, Mathias & Toon Tierens (2023) Navigating through the conceptual jungle of digital school transformation – an introduction to the SMASCH project. Annual SIIVE conference 2023, Berlin, 09.03.23.
Cafantaris, Karola & Brandau, Nina (2023) What is ‚sustainable‘ digital school development? Annual SIIVE conference 2023, Berlin, 09.03.23.
Ali Reza Beigi, Samira (2023) Transforming evaluative practices of teachers through automatic grading. Annual SIIVE conference 2023, Berlin, 09.03.23.
Brandau, Nina (2022) Using Critical and Participatory Design for sustainable and reflective digital school development? SMASCH in-between the tensions of daily schooling. Network meeting of the Technical Democracy Network as part of the Australian Association for Education Research Annual Conference, Adelaide, 01.12.22.
Tierens, Toon; Hartong, Sigrid & Decuypere, Mathias (2022) School autonomy in accelerated digitalisation: On ‘time’ in pandemic modes of governing. Presentation at the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Annual Conference 2022, Adelaide, 27.11.22-01.12.22.
Junne, Barbara & Brandau, Nina (2022) Nachhaltige Digitalisierung in Schulen aus Sicht der Forschung. Herausforderungen und Chancen. 12th local education conference in Sasel/Wellingsbüttel „Unser Stadtteil smart – Sasel und Wellingsbüttel im digitalen Zeitalter”, online, 06.10.22.
Hartong, Sigrid (2022) Vom Mythos zur erfolgsversprechenden Gestaltungsstrategie. Netzwerke(n) in der digitalen Schulentwicklung. Keynote in the context of Hamburger Forum für Bildung in der digitalen Welt, Hamburg, 22.09.22.
Hartong, Sigrid (2022) Digitale Mündigkeit in einer zunehmend algorithmisierten Welt – aktuelle Herausforderungen und Chancen für die (öffentliche) Bildung. Input in the context of (Aus)Bildungskongresses der Bundeswehr, HSU Hamburg, 13.-15.09.22. More information.
Junne, Barbara & Junne, Jaromir (2022) Shifting identities of expertise and experts in processes of digitalisation. An analysis of three secondary schools in Germany. Conference Paper for Subtheme 31: Imperfect Knowledge: Re-examining the Role of Experts and Expertise at the 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, WU Vienna, 07.07.22.
Cafantaris, Karola & Alirezabeigi, Samira (2022) Convocation as a strategy in ethnographic fieldwork. International Ethnography Conference “Whats new? Innovation and Transformation in Educational Ethnographic Research”, Universität Flensburg, 16.06.22.
Cafantaris, Karola & Brandau, Nina (2022) Suchbewegungen und Ansätze nachhaltiger digitaler Schulentwicklung am Beispiel des Projekts ‚Smarte Schulen‘ (SMASCH). Contribution in the context of the conference „Gerecht, digital, nachhaltig! Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Lehr- und Lernprozesse in der digitalen Welt“, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 20.05.22. More information.
Hartong, Sigrid; Decuypere, Mathias (2022) Fostering a critical understanding of digital education governance and practices: insights into Edunudge and SMASCH. University of Lund, 20.04.22 (hybrid).
Brandau, Nina (2021) Critical design as a tool for comparative school development research? Developing sustainable digitisation strategies in Germany and Belgium. Contribution to the winter school „International and comparative education science goes digital?! (Pandemische) Herausforderungen und (neue) Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung für die (Nachwuchs-)Forschung“, Commission for Comparative and International Educational Science at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, online, 9.-10.12.21.