Stefan Clotz
Stefan Clotz is 51 years old and lives in Hamburg with two daughters. He completed his training as a systematic management coach at the “Hamburg School”.
Since many years, he works all over Germany and other European countries as a coach for schools. He moderates networks and workshops, conferences and mediation processes. With his enthusiasm he supports schools in their development processes – doesn’t matter if the topic of concern is “all-day-care” or “digitization”. For him, the potential of schools lies in their chance to combine learning and living equally.
Iza Czarnojan
Media educator, teacher and trainer: A combination of…
• 20 years of teaching practice at a secondary school
• 20 years of experience with digitization
• 20 years of experience in school coaching, training and consulting of teachers and schools
… give her a solid basis to look at a school’s situation from different perspectives. An education in psychological Gestalttherapie supports her to deconstruct fears of digitization as well as to keep up a critical, reflective position.
Uta Frahm
Uta Frahm is the director of „Frahm Institut für Konfliktdynamik und Unternehmensentwicklung GmbH“, a psychologist and systematic organizational consultant. She has more than 30 years of experience in consulting, conceptual work, coaching and moderation of organizational development processes. She is a generalist with a broad spectrum of methods and a clear sight for the essentials in the scope of multilayered, emotional and group dynamic factors. Her areas of specialization are questions of development, complex conflict dynamics, reflection of hidden patterns and crisis management.
Current focus of work: Cultural change/transformational processes in the scope of digitization and skilled worker shortage, future of work, agile/new work.
Julia Mahns
Julia Mahns has been working as systematic organizational coach at the “Frahm Institut für Konfliktdynamik und Unternehmensentwicklung GmbH” since May 2021. She gained diverse experiences in founder coachings, PR/marketing, project management.
Current focus of work: Implementation of individual coaching projects, team development processes, moderation of workshops, supervisions, evaluations as well as the support of internal development teams and other formats related to transformation processes.