SMASCH Kick-off

Half a year after the start of the SMASCH project the Kick-off on February 24, 2022, invited the participants to discuss opportunities and challenges that occurred within the scope of the project so far. In the scope of a panel discussion and a virtual networking event, the SMASCH schools as well as external stakeholders exchanged their perspectives on the project. Key words, such as the development of new learning cultures as well as the emergence of a “new normality”, were controversially discussed from different perspectives. With more than 50 participants Stefan Clotz moderated a discussion with the following panellists:

• Thorsten Puderbach, team lead digitisation unit, Ministry of Schools and Vocational Training (Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Hamburg)
• Isabella Fey, didactic lead, Lessing-Stadtteilschule
• Prof. Sigrid Hartong, project lead SMASCH, HSU Hamburg
• Helge Tiedemann, team lead media education, State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development (Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung)
• Kerstin Wendt-Scholz, principal, Ganztagsschule Franzosenkoppel

During the following networking event the representatives of the SMASCH schools were able to exchange on diverse topics and get in contact with the researchers as well as Belgian project partners.